الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2012
The Effectiveness of Using Realia
The Effectiveness of Using Realia
in Teaching English Vocabulary
By: Dr. Omar Elshikh Hago
Mr. ElSiddig Babikir Mohamed
This study attempts to shed light on the effectiveness of using realia in teaching English vocabulary for the secondary students. It tries to focus on suitable way of teaching vocabulary by using realia. The research questions were stated in the form of hypotheses which were to achieve the aims. The research points out three hypotheses, using realia in teaching vocabulary has a significant role on enhance students' vocabulary level, most of English teachers in secondary schools have attitudes towards using realia in teaching vocabulary, using realia encountered by difficulties when using them in teaching vocabulary. The subjects of this study are thirty teachers from Khartoum state. The questionnaire is a tool that for collecting data. The important question of this study is: what are the difficulties which encountered students when using realia in teaching vocabulary. The study presents some recommendations; the most important one is that "teachers could use realia because it is one of the current techniques in teaching English vocabulary"
English is an international language. It is the bridge to the outside world, because it is the language of science and technology in addition to the new discoveries in the world. It is very significant to learn English as the important language in the world.
To learn a language one must learn its vocabulary (Stole, 2005). Vocabulary is a must for learning a language. Without vocabulary one cannot string together words in sentences and without these fundamentals, learning becomes impossible, both on literary or oral levels.
There are numerous techniques concerned with vocabulary presentation if teachers want students to remember new vocabulary. They need to be learnt in context, practiced and then revised to prevent students from forgetting. Teachers must make sure that students have understood the new words which will be remembered better if introduced in a memorable way.
Statement of the problem
There are numerous techniques concerned with vocabulary presentation. In spite of that vocabulary teaching is a real problem in Sudanese secondary schools. When the researcher was working in secondary schools and taught English language, he came across the word realia and there were many questions. Why not using realia in teaching English vocabulary? Will realia be effective in teaching English vocabulary? And if so, how?
1-To see how successful the use of realia in teaching English vocabulary could improve the students' vocabulary level.
2- To examine the secondary school teachers' attitudes and opinions towards using realia in teaching English vocabulary.
3-To examine the difficulties which encountered when using realia in teaching vocabulary.
Questions of the Study
This study provides answers for the following questions:
1- To what extent does realia have a significant role on enhance students' vocabulary level?
2-What are the opinions of English teachers toward using realia in teaching English vocabulary.
3-To what extent does realia encountered by difficulties when using in teaching vocabulary.
Hypotheses of the Study
1-Using realia in teaching English vocabulary has a significant role on enhance students' vocabulary level.
2- Most English teachers in secondary schools have negative attitudes towards using realia in teaching vocabulary.
3- Using realia encountered by difficulties when using them in teaching vocabulary.
Significance of the Study
The study addresses one of the most important roles of realia in teaching vocabulary. As for contribution to knowledge, it is intended to increase one's understanding of the effectiveness of realia in teaching vocabulary. Also it is expected to provide some deep insight into teaching vocabulary.
Limitation of the Study
The study is carried out with respect to the following limitations:
1- Location: Sharg Elneel Locality.
2- Time: The study is limited to the academic year 2011-2012.
3- Theme: The study is limited to The Effectiveness of Using Realia in Teaching English Vocabulary in Secondary Schools.
Literature Review
Vocabulary is the central part of any language. It stands for the meaning of several things. For this language is regarded as a system of conversation. One of the most important aspect of learning language is to understand the meaning or meanings of words and knowing how they are formed. Also, it can guide a language learner to discover the meaning of words. Richards and Platt (1997) define vocabulary as "a set of lexemes, including single word, compound words and idioms". Penny Ur (2004) explains that: vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word: for example, post office and mother-in-law, which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea.
Teaching Vocabulary
Wallace (2000) states that: “There has been last of discussions on the teaching and learning vocabulary of foreign language, because there is a sense in which learning a foreign language is basically a matter of learning the vocabulary of that language". Not being able to find the words you need to express yourself is the most frustrated experience in speaking another language. Thornbury (2005) argues that: There are numerous techniques concerned with vocabulary presentation. However any teacher will have the opportunity to depend on using some techniques throughout his teaching process. The teaching process depends mainly on the level of learners. Their age and the number of classroom we teach the group. This will depend on the following factors:
• The level of learners (whether beginners, intermediate or advance).
• The learner’s likely familiarity with words [learners may have met the items before, although they are not part of their active vocabulary.
• The difficulty of words whether for instance, they express abstract or concrete meanings, or whether they are difficult to pronounce.
• And finally whether the words are being learnt for production (in speaking or writing) or for recognition only (as in listening and reading).
• The following are the most common techniques which teachers of English use to teach English as a foreign language.
Form (pronunciation and spelling)
Penny Ur (2004) explains that: the learner has to know what a word sounds like "its pronunciation" and what it looks like "its spelling". These are fairly obvious characteristics, and one or the other will be perceived by the learner when encountering the item for the first time. In teaching, we need to make sure that both aspects are accurately presented and learnt.
Penny Ur (2004) argues that: the learner has to know what a word sound like ' its pronunciation' and what it looks like it's spelling'. In pronunciation there are many problematic areas. The sound may not correspond to the spellings, so students may have difficulty knowing how many syllables the word is broken up into. It is also hard to know which syllable is stressed. Some words have shifting stress, a group of consonants together – consonant cluster. A speaker of a particular language might have difficulty with certain sounds. It's true that unfamiliarity with correct pronunciation can result in the learner failing to understand words in connected speech, that he understands clearly in written English. Careful attention to pronunciation is therefore an essential part of vocabulary teaching if new texts are to be used effectively, or understood without difficulty, in spoken English." Most words have only one pronunciation, but sometimes a word has two more pronunciations. English pronunciation is the way English words sound.
Spelling is the forming of words from letters according to accepted usage, or a sequence of letters composing a word statement of rules or conventions on how words are to be written.
Yule (1997) states that: " there are two or more forms with very closely related meaning which are often, but not always, intersubstitutable in sentence". Examples of synonyms are (hide – conceal); (almost – nearly). Gaims & Radman (1986) state that: "synonymy occurs when group of words that share a general sense and so may be inter-changeable in a limited number of contexts, but which on closer inspection reveal conceptual different. Example as (extend- increase – expand). Synonyms are different words with identical or at least similar meanings.
Penny Ur (2004) says that, synonyms: are items that mean the same, or nearly the same, for example bright, clever, smart may serve as synonyms of intelligent.
Penny Ur (2004) states that: " antonyms are items that mean the opposite; 'rich' is an antonym of 'poor'.
Yule (1997) states that: two forms with opposite meaning such as (quick – slow).
Yule (1997) states that:" when the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of another, the relationship is described as hyponyms". Penny Ur (2004) states that items that serve as specific examples of a general concept, dog, lion, mouse are hyponyms of animal. Wilkins (1972) states that," by ‘hyponymy’ is meant a relationship of inclusion".
Penny Ur (2004) says that : " the collocations typical of particular items are another factor that makes a particular combination sound ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in a given context". As for Lewi, (2002) states that:"collocations are those combinations of words which occur naturally with greater than random frequency". Collocation is about words which co-occur, not ideas or concept. For example, drive cars, drink coffee. Gairm & Radman (1986) explains that: "when two items co-occur, or are used together frequently, they are said to collocate, items may co-occur simply because the combination reflects a common real word state of affairs. For instance “pass” and “salt” collocate pass the salt".
Mc Carthy & O’Dell (2002) stated: collocation is concerned with the way words occur together, often any typical collocations that go with them. They identified example as follows:
• Adjective + noun collocate: (real thing, great detail).
• Verb + adverb collocate: (drives quickly, fast).
• Adverb + adjective collocate: (completely depressed).
• Verb + adjective collocate: (raise your hand).
Penny Ur (2004) says that:" the meaning of words is primarily what it refers to in real world, its denotation; this is often the sort of definition that is given in a dictionary". For example dog denotes a kind of animal, more specifically, a common, domestic carnivorous mammal, and both dank and moist mean slightly wet.
Penny Ur (2004) states that: " A less obvious component of the meaning of an item is its connotation: the associations, or positive or negative feelings it evokes which may or may not be indicated a dictionary definition. The word dog, for example, as understood by most British People, has positive connotations of friendship and loyalty, where as the equivalent in Arabic, as understood by most People in Arab countries has negative associations of dirt and inferiority. Within the English Language, moist has favorable connotations while dank has unfavorable, so that you could describe something as ‘pleasantly moist’ where ‘pleasantly dank’ would sound absurd".
Penny Ur (2004) says that:" a more subtle aspect of meaning that often needs to be taught is whether a particular item is the appropriate one to use in a certain context or not. Thus, it is useful for a learner to know that a certain word is very common, or relatively rare, or ‘tabboo’ in polite conversation, or tends to be used in writing but not in certain dialect. For example, you may know that “weep” is virtually synonyms in denotation with “cry” but it is more formal, tends to be used in writing more than in speech, and is in general much less common.
• Heaten (1979) characterizes realia as "an associative bridge between the classroom and the world, namely (Realia) an old and versatile resource of language teachers.
• Kelly (1996) states that there is some disagreement in the literature as to exactly what constitute realia. It can refer either to objects in the learner's own environment used to illustrate vocabulary in the L2 or to objects specific to the culture of the L2 used for the same purpose.
• We shall use the term to refer to objects of any origin used to illustrate vocabulary and structure in the L2.
Barbara (1981) makes the following suggestions (among others) to ESL teachers:
1. In curriculum planning, allow for organization of subject matter which leads students from the familiar to closely related thes unfamiliar concept.
2. Aid students in organizing input via imagery and rehearsal situations in which the student must elaborate on what is presented.
3. Organize input in such away what it is meaningful for the student and can be integrated with already existing knowledge and experience, experience is central to learn.
4. Provide practice situations which involve use of conscious presents and allow student to think about and generate associations and relationships between original input and novel situations by providing spaces practice.
Using Realia
- To illustrate and teach young learners vocabulary for animals, clothing, fruit for example, I use actual objects or facsimiles thereof (pieces of clothing, toy animals, plastic fruit). For young learners, it's a very useful tool in making the abstract concrete.
- To introduce the students to Canada, I use a Canadian flag, a map of the world, and photographs of Canada. What realia allows the teacher to do is create a picture of my country, introduce and practice target vocabulary and sentence patterns (I'm from Japan), and serve as a springboard to compare and contrast Canada with Japan (Japan is part of Asia. Canada is part of North America.).
Using realia in the EFL classroom serves to foster a more creative and active teaching-learning environment and promotes cultural understanding. As I have previously written, there's a connection between language and culture. Helping language learners see the connection helps them understand more clearly the meaning of language. Thus’ realia’ in EFL terms refers to any real objects we use in the classroom to bring the class to life. In this tip the researcher wuld like to offer a few suggestions for activities using realia and to consider why we may want to bring things into the class.
Using realia in a classroom
The main advantage of using real objects into the classroom is to make the learning experience more memorable for the learner. To give a couple of simple examples, if you are going to teach vocabulary of fruit and vegetables it can be much more affective for students if they can touch, smell and see the objects at the same time as hearing the new word. This would appeal to a wider range of learner styles than a simple flashcard picture of the piece of fruit or vegetable. (With very young learners, classroom management can become trickier if you bring in real objects as excitement levels tend to rise. Last year one of my students bit into an onion we were passing round. I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten that class!).
A second example would be if you are going to teach some functional language for asking about the timetable of a train. You could use a fictitious timetable or you could use a real one from the local train station, one from the internet, or if you’re really organized, some you brought back from your last trip to the UK. By this way you expose students to more language than simply the times and destinations. They will see information about prices, discounts, bank holidays etc. Here are examples:
• Tourist information:
Gather some city/town maps from the tourist information bureau wherever you are. Use them to create role plays that could happen with English speaking visitors to their town or city. Give students a scenario for them to build a role play out of. If you had trouble finding your way around their town/ city when you arrived use your own experiences to create situations.
Collect brochures of places of interest (in English if possible but not vital) and ask students to use them to plan a trip for a group of students who are coming to their town for a week. They can plan the itinerary, work out the budget etc,
• Concentration:
Instead of using students’ names put an object, such as an item of clothing or a classroom object, in front of each student and that is what they say instead of their names to pass the turn around the circle.
• Recycling race:
(Depending on the recycling facilities that need to adapt the task accordingly) For this you just need a bag of rubbish (clean items out first) that you are about to recycle like tetra bricks, glass jars, cereal boxes, tins, old newspapers etc. To introduce the idea of recycling ask students what all the objects are and which container they will put them in to recycle them. Draw a picture of each of the possible containers and get students to come and choose an item and tell the class where they will put it to recycle it and why. You could make this into a team race by giving each team the mission of collecting all the items for their container one by one. You could then use the recyclable material to make a poster with your students about recycling. For older students elicit the vocabulary for the items and materials and lead on to a discussion or class survey about recycling.
• Island survival:
Bring in a selection of items such as a coat hanger, a corkscrew, a packet of dental floss, a clothes peg, a plastic bag, a wooden spoon, some swimming goggles, elastic bands etc. Put the students into groups and tell them they have been ship wrecked on a desert island with their group. Luckily there are some random items on the island they can use to help them survive. Reveal the items one by one and elicit vocabulary. Then tell students they have ten minutes to think about how they are going to use the items to help them survive. At the end, listen to each group’s ideas and vote on which group you think would survive the longest.
• Identity envelopes:
Get three or four envelopes and fill them with bits and bobs you find around the house such as foreign currency, shop receipts, postcards, photos, buttons, etc. Put students into groups and ask them to have a good look at the objects and to decide who they belong to. They should be able to build up the identity of a character from the objects. You could say they are all suspects from a crime and they have to decide who did it, or simply create the characters to use in a role play.
Gather some bits and pieces that you have in your bag, purse and around the house such as used cinema or concert tickets, train or bus tickets, cards you’ve received, passport photos, shopping receipts etc. Stick them on a piece of card or on a cork board. Get students to ask you about the items to gather information about you. As a follow up, ask students to do the same and bring in some bits and bobs they have for their classmates to ask them about.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. If you have any more ideas please feel free to write to the digest and share them with the other language assistants.
There are two key reasons for using real life materials:
1. They are often more interesting than material from text books and can be on subjects that will really engage the students.
2. Students will be expected to use real material when they leave your classes.
The word ‘realia’, sounds a little like a little bit too scientific for the English classroom! If you have come across this word in textbooks, and are pondering what it means, the word realia means using real items found in the world around us as an aid to teaching English. Using realia, helps to make English lessons memorable, it creates a link between the objects, and the word or phrase they show. So how should teachers use realia in the classroom?
The use of realia is only limited by your imagination and possibly practicality too. Using realia stimulates the mind, and bring vocabulary to life like no other visual aid can. Students can, touch it, smell it, and maybe (though not always) even taste it! Realia saves time, as recognition of an object is often immediate although there could be some exceptions, depending on where you are teaching. Elicitation immediately becomes much easier, and holding up the object with a raised eyebrow, will usually result in the desired word being spoken.
Quick Ideas!
• Take along a hat, scarf, gloves, to introduce winter/winter activities
• Stage a fashion show after learning the vocabulary for items of clothing
• Use those plastic tea sets, and animals, for your children
• Bring in some plastic cups, and saucers, and role-play waiter scenario Teaching business English?
• Taking a business class? Make use of mobile phones to create realistic telephone conversations. Use diaries, to schedule meetings, and plan events
Realia consists of actual objects or items or facsimiles thereof, which are used in the classroom to illustrate and teach vocabulary or to serve as an aid to facilitate language acquisition and production. What does it do? It concretizes vocabulary and language and places it in a frame of reference. It also allows language learners to see, hear, and in some cases touch the objects.
The appropriateness of the materials
1. Decide if the topic matter is appropriate for your students, if you are not sure you can ask them or find out what their interests are.
2. Look at how much new vocabulary and grammar structures are in the materials. If students are to cope with real material, they may have to learn to deal with topics with a lot of alien vocabulary.
2.3.4 Common Realia
• Television timetables
• Cinema timetables
• Train timetables
• Restaurant menus
• Postcards (Writing)
• Utility bills
• Application forms
• Classified adverts
• Recipes Intermediate
• Teenage magazines
Surveys & teenage issues
• Newspaper articles from newspapers
• Instruction manuals
• Adverts & flyers Advanced
• General newspaper articles
• Magazine articles
• Academic material
tabloid at advanced level you can choose nearly anything, because they should have developed strategies to cope with unknown vocabulary.
Realia for young learners
Young learners like nothing better than playing with plastic toys. Use this to student advantage! If the teacher can’t include food and drink, then take along a plastic tea-set. Learning animal names? Then take along some soft toys! It probably isn’t going to be possible to bring along a giraffe, but plastic toys work beautifully! Bring in fruit, vegetables, and lots of toys. Get your young learners moving animal about, create a mini farmyard, and move those animals into the field, the barn, or the farmyard. If this sounds like too much work, then make it a class project! Children love making things, and this would be one method of learning vocabulary, which your children will not forget!
Teachers can use realia for other-things
Previous Studies
First Study By: Abeer Abdallah Ebrahim
• Title: Overcoming Secondary school student’s difficulties
of vocabulary through an effective teaching.
Presented to: Sudan University of Sciences and Technology,
Faculty of Education.
The study aims to identify the main problems that face secondary school students in Sudan in learning vocabulary, to identify some factors that cause these problems and to find out whether SPINE provides.1earners with the suitable methods of learning vocabularies.
• Methodology: A descriptive and analytical method is used and a teacher’s questionnaire.
• Results: Teachers do not use Arabic translation while they teach vocabulary. Students do not understand the meaning of new words. The number of vocabulary taught to the students is not sufficient.
Second Study By: Abdelmageed Mamoun Abdelmageed
• Title: investigating the role of vocabulary in discourse and meaning.
The study aims to discuss the nature of vocabulary and to, explain to what extent it functions in organizing a text and to contrast the methodology of teaching vocabulary out of context.
• Methodology: is analytical and experimental.
• Result: There was no significant difference between the two methods of teaching vocabulary but it suggested that teaching vocabulary out of context to less advanced learners for purpose of recalling the words meaning is, to some extent, a practical step towards other desired vocabulary knowledge.
Third Study By: Dhahawi Salih Ali:
• title: EFL Vocabulary learning, Investigating third year students’ Vocabulary learning strategies at some Sudanese Universities in the capital Khartoum.
Presented to: Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Languages.
The study aims to investigate the current vocabulary learning strategies mostly used by the Sudanese University Students for discovering word meanings when they encountered for the first time.
• Methodology: A descriptive and analytical method, students and teachers’ questionnaire.
• Results: Students are need for receiving vocabulary learning strategies instruction to raise their awareness in choosing strategies suitable for university students’ meaning learning practices.
Fourth Study By: Afaf Hashim Ahamed Badri:
• Title: evaluation of using language game in teaching vocabulary.
Presented to: Sudan University of Science and technology faculty of education.
The Study aims to see how successful the use of games in teaching English vocabulary could improve the students’ vocabulary achievement, to see whether the use of games in teaching English vocabulary could help students to pass English Exams successfully and to examine the difficulties which encountered using games when they are used in teaching vocabulary.
• Methodology: A descriptive, and an experimental one by using a questionnaire and both pre and post test.
• Result: Using games is an efficient mean in improving the students vocabulary achievement. Teachers have positive attitudes towards using games in teaching vocabulary and the difficulties which encounter using games could be over come easily.
To sum up It is found that all the previous mentioned studies
were related to vocabulary teaching and learning, but what important is that, all the researchers did not write about the vocabulary aspect that should be covered except (Abeer) whose study was closely related to this study. But this study differs in that it used both the test and the questionnaire to collect data. What mostly distinguishes this study from the others, is that they wrote about apart of vocabulary for instance, study(1) was only about vocabulary difficulties in term of forms. Study (2)by Kirya was about differences in meaning ; study (4)was about vocabulary functions in organizing text. Study (5)’ and (7) were about strategies.
The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method in order to carry out this study. In order to investigate the difficulties facing the students and teachers in using realia in teaching English vocabulary, the searchers followed some steps to fulfill the purpose of the correct and accurate using of realia in teaching vocabulary. Thus, this section deals with the procedures of collecting the data to the study.
The Population
The population of this study are (30) teachers of English language secondary schools (first year student's) in Sharg Eneel Locality.
The Study Tool
In general, the tool used for collecting the data for this study was questionnaire which was based on the previous studies and literature review. The questionnaire contained two main parts; the first part concerned with the personal information of the respondents: qualification and years of experience. The second part of the questionnaire was of ( 31) statements.
The Sample
The sample was thirty teachers of sharg Alneel locality.
The study sample respondents differ according to the following characteristics.
• They have different qualifications (Ph. D, M.A, bachelor and diploma).
• They have different years of experience that range between1 – 15 as follows:
1- Qualification
Table (1) the frequency distribution for
The study respondents according to the qualification
Qualification number Percent
Ph. D degree 1 3.3%
M. A degree 7 23.3%
Bachelor degree 18 60.0%
Diploma degree 4 13.3%
Total 30 100%
Figure (1) the frequency distribution for study respondents according to the qualification.
Form the above table and figure it is clear that most of the study respondents who have bachelor qualification, (18) teachers with percentage of (60.0%), the respondent who has Ph.D degree is one teacher with percentage (3.3%), the respondents who have M.A degree are (7) teachers with percentage of (23.3%) and the respondents who have diploma are (4) teachers with a percentage (13.3%).
2- Years of Experience
Table (2) the frequency distribution for the
study respondents according to years of Experiences.
Years of experience number Percent
1-5 5 17. 0%
6-10 4 13.30%
11-15 6 20.0%
above 15 15 50.0%
total 30 100%
Figure (2) The frequency Distribution for the study Respondents according to the experience
It is noted form table (.2) and figure (.2) that, the number of respondents who have experience between (1 -5) year is (5) teachers with percentage (17.0%), and number of sample’s respondents who have experience between (6 -10) years is (4) teachers with percentage (13.3%) and number of sample’s respondents who have experience between(11 -15) years are (6) teachers with percentage (20.0%), and number of samples respondents who have experience above (15) years are (15) teachers with percentage (50.0%).
Data Analysis and Discussions
Data Analysis and Hypotheses Testing
In this section, data analysis for the study and test of its hypotheses will be done. To do that, firstly we consider the instruments of applied study, which contain the description of the study’s population and its sample, method of collection data, reliability and validity of the study tool, and the statistical treatments that used the methodology of the study will be shown here.
1.First hypothesis:
Table (3): Frequency distribution table for first hypothesis
Statements Number &Percent
Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree
1 There is a need for realia in teaching vocabulary. 25
83.3% 4
13.3% 1
3.3% 0
0.0% 0
Using realia is a new technique of teaching English vocabulary. 6
29.9% 12
40.0% 1
3.3% 9
30.0% 2
3 Realia is used in teaching vocabulary whenever there is a chance 17
5.7% 10
33.3% 1
3.3% 2
6.7% 0
4 Realia employs meaningful language in real context. 16
53.3% 12
40.0% 2
6.7% 0
0.0% 0
5 Using realia in teaching vocabulary marginalize the role of the teacher. 4
13.3% 8
26.7% 2
6.7% 10
33.3% 6
6 The secondary school teacher is not acquainted with the use of ralia in teaching vocabulary. 5
16.7% 11
36.7% 11
36.7% 3
10.0% 0
7 Using realia needs large classes. 5
16.3% 3
10.0% 19
63.3% 3
10.0% 0
8 Sources for realia are not available in school library. 9
30.3% 15
50.0% 5
16.7% 1
3.3% 0
9 Books are the only means of teaching vocabulary in secondary school. 10
3.3%3 4
13.3% 13
43.3% 3
10.0% 0
10 There is a lack in training program which include using realia in teaching. 10
33.3% 16
53.3% 1
3.3% 3
10.0% 0
According to the table (3) Frequency distribution for the first hypothesis of the significance of the differences for the respondents' answers in the first statement "there is a need for realia in teaching English vocabulary ". The respondents who answer with strongly agree are (25) with percetage of(83.3%) that means there is strogly need for realia in teaching English vocabulary because most of respondents are agree with this idea.The researcher noticed that (0.0%)is diagree and (0.0%) is strogly disagree that idicated the most of respondents supported the first hypothesis only one respondent undecided and (4) rspondents are agree. The second statement "Using realia is a new techniques of teaching vocabulary " there are (40.0%) are agree and (29.9%) are strogly agree also(30.0%) are disagree.Onlyone respondent with percenage of (3.3%) is undecided and (6.7%) are strongly disagree.
The researcher noticed that the using of realia is a new technique according to the respodents percentage.The researcher nocticed according to the way of teaching in secondary schools realia is regarded as a nglected technique in schools.So,the teachers in secondary schools shoulduse realia in teaching English vocabulary. The third statement "realiais used in teaching English vocabulary whenever thereis achance ". Most of respondent supported this idea with percentage of (57.6%) are strongly agree that mean the teachers in secondaryschoolare not always use the realia in teaching Eglish vocbulary. For that the researcher focouces on this neglected area and hope that teachers practice this technique. There is only one respondent with percentge(3.3%)undecided and (3.3%) respondent agree also(6.7%)respondents are disagree. The fourth statement "realia employs meaningful language in realcontext".There are (40.0%) respodents are agree with this idea (0.0%) respondent is stroglydisagree also,(0.0%)respondent is disagree with this statement. Most of respondents are strongly agree with percentage of (53.3%) that mean most of respondent supported this statement and(6.7%) of respondents undecided. The fifth statement "Using realia in teaching vocabulary marginalize the role of teacher". Most of respondents of percentage (33.3%) are disagree with this statement and that indicated the use of realia is very important for both teacher and student.Respondents that have strongly disagree are (6) of percetage of (20.o%) are undecided.There are (2)respondents of percentage (6.7%) are undecided and strogly agree are (4) respondents of percentage of (13.3%). It's clear that realia marginlize the centeral role of teacher inside the classroom. The sixth statement "the secondary school teacher is not aquainted with the use of realia in teaching vocabulary " (11) respondents with percentage of (36.7%) are undecided and the same are agree.
It's clear from this percentage the secondary school teachers are not acquainted with the use of realia in teaching vocabulary. There is (0) respondent with percentage of (0.0%) is strongly disagree but (5) respondents with percentage of (10.0%) are disagree. Accordinge to this statement the researcher noticed that the important of this study, because most of respondentsare not aquaintedwith the use of realia in teaching vocabulary. The sevnth statement "Using realia needs large classes" (0) respondent with percentage of (0.0%) is strongly disagree, (3) respondents with percentage of (10.0%) are agree and the same are disagree but most of respondents are undecided that mean the respondents need long of time to explaine the significance of using realia.The researcher noticed that the small classes is suitable for using realia more thanlare classes. The eighth statement "Sources for using realia are not avilable in school library " (15) respondents with percentage of (50.0%) are agree, (9) respodents with percentage of (30.3%) are strongly agree and (0) respondent are disagree and th same is strongly disagree. There is only one respondent with percentage (3.3%) is undecided. From this percentage the researcher noticed that the statement is supported and that sources of realia are not avilable in schools library. The statement "The books are the only means of teaching vocabulary in secodary schools". (0) respondent is strongly disagree, (3) respondents with persentage of (1o.o%) are disagree, (4) respondents with percentage of (13.3%) are agree also, (10) respondents with percentge of (33.3%) are strogly agree and (13) respondents with percentage of (53.3%) are undecided.
From this percentage the researcher decided that most of respondents are undecided whether books are only means of teaching vocabulary or not. But according to the sitation of schools the syllabus is the only means of teaching vocabulary and no other options in schools. The statement "Thereis a lack in training program which include using realia in teaching English vocabulary". Zero respondent is strongly disagree,thereis only one respondent with percentage of (3.3%) are undecided and (3) respondents with percentage (10.0%) are disagree also, (10) respondents with percetage of (33.3%) arestrongly agree but(16) respondents with percentage of (53.3%) are strongly agree. From this result the researcher explain why there is a lack in training program in using realia from the minstry of Education. The researcher hopes that the problem should be solved and othe reseachers could do more researches in this field.
2.Second hypothesis
Table (4): Frequency distribution table for second hypothesis
Statements Number &Percent
Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree
1 realia plays an effective role in teaching vocabulary. 21
70.0% 8
26.1% 1
3.3% 0
0.0% 0
Realia plays apassive role in teaching vocabulary. 4
13.3% 4
13.3% 1
3.3% 11
36.7% 10
3 Using realia in teaching vocabulary helps the weak student. 21
70.0% 8
26.1% 1
3.3% 0
0.0% 0
4 Using realia increase the interaction between teacher and students. 14
46.7% 13
43.3% 2
6.7% 1
3.3% 0
5 Using realia enriches the students vocabulary. 19
3.3%6 9
30.0% 1
3.3% 1
3.3% 0
6 Using realia in teaching vocabulary paves the way to integrate and utilize the four skills. 11
36.7% 17
56.7% 2
6.7% 0
0.0% 0
7 Using realia is time consuming. 7
23.3% 9
30.0% 2
6.7% 5
16.7% 7
8 Using realia helps the teacher to follow up the level of her/his students. 7
23.3% 18
60.0% 1
3.3% 3
10.0% 1
The second hypothesis the first statement "realia plays an effective role in teaching English vocabulary"(0) respondent is strongly disagree and the same is disagree there is (1) respondent with percentage of (3.3%) is undecided also, there are (8) respondents with percetage of (26.1%) are agree but (21)respondents of percentage of (70.0%) are strogly agree. From this statement the researcher noticed that most of respodents supported the above statement. The second satement "Realia plays a passive role in teaching vocabulary"there are (4) respondents with percentage of (13.3%) are agree the same respondents are strongly agree (1) respondent with percentage (3.3%) is undecided. There are (11) respondents with percentage of (36.7%) are disagree,(10) respondents with percentage of (33.3%) are strogly disagree. From this statement the respondents supported that statement. The third statement "Using realia in teaching vocabulary helps the weake student" (0) respodent is disagree and (0) is strongly disagree but (1) respondent with percetage of (3.3%) is undecided, there are (8) respondents with percentage of (26.1%) areagree, (21) respondents with percentage of (70.0%) are strogly agree. The researcher clarify that most of respondents are supported the role of realia in helping weak students.
The fourth statement "Using realia increases the interaction between the teacher and the students ". It's clear that (0) respondent is strongly disagree and (1) respondent with percentage of(3.3%) is disagree, (2) respondents with percetage of (6.7%) are undecided (13) respondents with percntage of (43.7%) are agree, but (14) respondents with percentage of (46.7%) are strongly agree. The researcher noticed that from above statement most of respondents are supported the idea "realia icreases the interaction between the teacher and students". This result encourge other researchers to continue the study in this field. The fifth statement"Using realia enriches the students vocabulary " (0) respondent is strongly disagree and (1) respondent with percntage of (3.3%) is disagree and the same is undecided but (9) respondents with percentage of (30.0%) are agree and (19) respondets with percentage of (63.3%) are strogly agree. That mean most of respondents supported this statement. The sixth statement "Using realia in teaching vocabulary paves the way to integrate and utilize the four skills"(0) respondent is strogly disagree and the same is disagree, there are (2) respondents with percentage of (6.7%) are undecided, but (11) respondents with percntage of (36.7%) are strogly agree and (17) respondents with percntage of (56.7%) are agree. The researcher observed that usnig realia paves the way to utilize the four skills, according to the results of the respondents. That mean the effective role of realia in the world of teaching vocabulary. The seventh statement"Using realia is time consuming" (7) respondents with percentage of (23.3%) are strongly agree and the same are strogly disagree,also (9) respondents with pecentage of (30.0%) are agree,there are (2) respondents with percntage of (6.7%) are undecided,(5) respondents with percentage of (16.7%) are disagree.
From the above statement most respondents supported that realia is not consuming of time. The eighth statement"Using realia helps the teacher to follow up the level of his students " (1) respondent with percentage of (3.3%) isundecided and the same is strogly disagree there are (18) respondents with percentage of (60.0%) are agree also (3) respondents with percentage of (10.0%) are disagree but (7) respondents with percentage of (23.3%) are strongly agree. The researcher realized that most of respondents are agree and supported this statement. That mean that realia is regaded as a new technique which will help a lot in teaching English vocabulary.
3.Thrid hypothesis:
Table (5): Frequency distribution table for third hypothesis
Statements Number &Percent
Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree
1 The use of realia ignored totally in teaching vocabulary. 5
16.7% 7
23.3% 6
20.0% 0
0.0% 0
The use of realia is regarded as a supplementary activity. 1
3.3% 22
73.3% 2
6.7% 4
13.3% 1
3 Realia is rejected as new different method of teaching vocabulary for fear that class management will be lost.s. 5
16.7% 4
13.3% 2
6.7% 14
46.7% 5
4 Usig realia in teaching vocabulary is regarded as ninsense. 1
3.3% 2
6.7% 1
3.3% 10
33.3% 16
5 Using realia in teaching vocabulary is regarded as waste of time . 1
3.3% 1
3.3% 13
43.3% 15
50.0% 0
6 Using realia in teaching vocabulary is an extra work for teacher . 2
6.7% 9
30.0% 2
6.7% 12
40.0% 5
7 Using realia is rejected because it is new . 1
3.3% 1
3.3% 3
10.0% 14
46.7% 11
8 Realia is rejected because it is difficult to be used. 2
6.7% 6
20.0% 2
6.7% 31
43.3% 7
The third hypothesis: The first statement" the use of realia is ignored totally in teatching vocabulary ". There is (0) rspondet disagree and the same strogly disagree also (6) respodets with percentage of (20.o%) are undecided but (8) respodents with percntage of (26.1%) are agree and (16)respondents with percentage of (53.3%) are stronglyagree. For that the researcher clarify the use of realia is ignored totally in teaching English vocabulary in most ofsecondary schools and hope that teachers should use realia in teaching vocabulary. The second statemnt "the use of realia is regaded as a supplementary activity "(1) respondent with pecentage of (3.3%) is strongly agree and the same percentage is strongly disagree,(4) respondents with percntage (13.3%) are disagree there are (2) respondents with percentage of (6.7%) are undecided but (22) respondents with percentage of (73.3%) are agree. The researcher noticed that this result indicated that realia is regarded as a supplementary activity and this is the aim of this study. The third statement "realia is regarded as new difficult technique of teaching vocabulary fear that class management will be lost ",there are (5) respondents with percetage of (16.7%) are strongly agree and the same pecetage are stronlydisagree also, (4) respondents with percntage of (13.3%) are agree but (2) respondents with percentage of (6.7%) are undecided at last, (14) respondents with percntage of (46.7%) are disagree. From this result most of respondents rejected the use of realia for fear class mangement.
According to this result the researcher explain that no fear of large classes that stop the use of realia if there are difficulties teacher can over come these difficulties. The fourth statement "Using realia in teaching vocabulary is regarded as a waste of time " (1) respondents with percentage of (3.3%) is strongly agree and also the same subject is agree (0) respondent is stongly disagree (13) respondents with percentage of (43.3%) are undecided there are(15) respondents with percentage of (50.0%) are diagree. From this table the researcher noticed that most of respondents are disagree and that mean the use of realia is not the weast of time. The fifth statement "Using realia in teaching vocabulary is extra work for teacher". There are (2) respondents with percentage of (6.7%) are strongly agree and the same undecided also (5) respondents with percentage of (16.7%) are strongly disagree,(9) respondents with percntage of (30.0%) are agree but there are (12) respondents with percntage of (40.0%) are disagree. It's clear from the above statement that most of respondents are disagree. The researcher supported this result. The sixth statement "Using realia is rejected because it is new", (1) respondents with percentage of (3.3%) is strongly agree and the same is agree there are (3) respondents with percentage of (10.0%) are undecided also (11) respondents with percntage of (36.7%) are strongly disagree and (14) respondents with percentage of (46.7%) are disagree. From this table the researcher noticed that most of respondents are disagree with this statement that indicated the respondents did not rejected the use of realia asa new technique.
The seventh statement "realia is rejected because it is difficult to be used" there are(2) respondents with percentage of (6.7%) are strongly agree and the same are undecided also (6) respondents with percentage of (20.0%) are agree and (7) respondents with percentage of (23.3%) are strongly disagree at last, (13) respondents with percntage of (43.3%) are disagree. That clear to the reseacher most of respondents are disagree that mean the use of realia is not difficult for the teachers to practice in the classroom.
Table (6): Chi-square test results for respondents’ answers about first hypothesis
No Statement Median Degree of freedom Chi-square value Explanation
1 There is a need for realia in teaching vocabulary. 5 2 34.20 Strongly agree
2 Using realia is a new method of teaching vocabulary. 4 4 14.33 Agree
3 Realia is used in teaching vocabulary whenever there is chance 5 3 22.53 Strongly agree
4 Realia employs meaningful language in real context. 5 2 10.40 Strongly agree
5 Using realia in teaching vocabulary marganise the role of the teacher. 2 4 16.67 Disagree
6 The secondary school teacher is not acquainted with the use of ralia in teaching vocabulary. 4 3 16.80 Agree
7 Teachers use realia as a method of teaching vocabulary. 4 4 13.67 Agree
8 Using realia needs large classes. 3 3 23.87 Undecided
9 Using realia gradually leads to the development of teaching vocabulary . 5 2 12.20 Strongly agree
10 Sources for realia are not available in school library. 4 3 14.28 Agree
11 Books are the only means of teaching vocabulary in secondary school. 5 3 19.20 Strongly agree
12 There is a lack in training program which include using realia in teaching. 4 3 18.00 Agree
According to the table, we can demonstrate the results as follows:
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 1st question was (34.20) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (2) and the significant value level (1%) which was (9.21). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “There is aneed for realia in teaching vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 2nd question was (14.33) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “Using realia is a new method of teaching vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 3rd question was (22.53) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “Realia is used in teaching vocabulary whenever there is chance”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 4th question was (10.40) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (2) and the significant value level (1%) which was (9.21). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly with that “Using realia in teaching vocabulary marganise the role of the teacher”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 5th question was (16.67) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have disagree with that “Using realia in teaching vocabulary marganise the role of the teacher”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 6th question was (16.80) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34).
According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “The secondary school teacher is not acquainted with the use of ralia in teaching vocabulary.”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 7th question was (13.67) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “Teachers use realia as a method of teaching vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 8th question was (23.87) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have undecided with that “Using realia needs large classes”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 9th question was (12.20) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (2) and the significant value level (1%) which was (9.21). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “Using realia gradually leads to the development of teaching vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 10th question was (14.28) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “Sources for realia are not available in school library”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 11th question was (19.20) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “Books are the only means of teaching English vocabulary in secondary schools.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 12th question was (18.00) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-4), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “There is a lack in training program which include using realia in teaching”
From above results, the reseacher see that the first hypothesis that states “Using Realia in teaching English vocabulary has significant efficiency on students vocabulary achievement” is fulfilled.
Table (7): Chi-square test results for respondents’ answers about second hypothesis
No Statement Median Degree of freedom Chi-square value Explanation
1 realia plays an effective role in teaching vocabulary. 5 2 20.60 Strongly agree
2 Realia plays an passive role in teaching vocabulary. 2 4 12.23 Disagree
3 Using realia in teaching vocabulary helps the weak student. 5 2 20.60 Strongly agree
4 Using realia increase the interaction between teacher and students. 5 3 19.33 Strongly agree
5 Using realia enriches the students vocabulary. 5 3 29.20 Strongly agree
6 Using realia in teaching vocabulary paves the way to integrate and utilize the four skills. 4 2 11.40 Agree
7 Using realia is time consuming . 4 4 14.67 Agree
8 The use of realia in teaching vocabulary helps students achieve high marks at the end of the term. 4 4 28.67 Agree
9 Using realia helps the teacher to follow up the level of her/his students. 4 4 34.00 Agree
Source: The researcher from applied study, 2012
According to the table no (7) the researcher can demonstrate the results as follows:
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 1st question was (20.60) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (2) and the significant value level (1%) which was (9.21). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “realia plays an effective role in teaching vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 2nd question was (12.23) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have disagree with that “Realia plays an passive role in teaching vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 3rd question was (20.60) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (2) and the significant value level (1%) which was (9.21). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “Using realia in teaching vocabulary helps the weak student”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 4th question was (19.33) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “Using realia increase the interaction between teacher and students”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 5th question was (29.20) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “Using realia enriches the students vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 6th question was (11.40) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (2) and the significant value level (1%) which was (9.21). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly agree with that “Using realia in teaching vocabulary paves the way to integrate and utilize the four skills”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 7th question was (14.67) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “Using realia is time consuming”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 8th question was (28.67) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “The use of realia in teaching vocabulary helps students achieve high marks at the end of the term”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 9th question was (34.00) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “Using realia helps the teacher to follow up the level of her/his students”.
From above results, we see that the first hypothesis that states “Using realia in teaching English vocabulary has significant efficiency on helping students pass English exams successfully”
Table (8): Chi-square test results for respondents’ answers about third hypothesis
No Statement Median Degree of freedom Chi-square value Explanation
1 The use of realia ignored totally in teaching vocabulary. 3 3 13.87 Undecided
2 The use of realia is regarded as a supplementary activity. 4 4 54.33 Agree
3 Realia is rejected as new different method of teaching vocabulary for fear that class management will be lost. 2 4 14.33 Disagree
4 Usnig realia in teaching vocabulary is regarded as nonsense. 1 4 30.33 Strongly disagree
5 Using realia in teaching vocabulary is regarded as waste of time . 2 3 22.80 Disagree
6 Using realia in teaching vocabulary is an extra work for teacher . 2 4 13.50 Disagree
7 Using realia is rejected because it is new . 2 4 24.67 Disagree
8 Realia is rejected because it is difficult to be used. 2 4 13.67 Disagree
Source: The researcher from applied study, 2012
According to the table no(4-7) the reseacher can demonstrate the results as follows:
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 1st question was (13.87) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-8), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have disagree with that “The use of realia ignored totally in teaching vocabulary”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 2nd question was (54.33) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-8), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have agree with that “The use of realia is regarded as a supplementary activity”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 3rd question was (14.33) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-8), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have disagree with that “Realia is rejected as new different method of teaching vocabulary for fear that class management will be lost.”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 4th question was (30.33) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(8), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have strongly disagree with that “Usig realia in teaching vocabulary is regarded as ninsense”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 5th question was (22.80) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (11.34). According to what mentioned in table no.(8), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have disagree with that “Using realia in teaching vocabulary is regarded as waste of time”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 6th question was (13.50) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have diagree with that “Using realia in teaching vocabulary is an extra work for teacher”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 7th question was (24.67) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (4) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have disagree with that “Using realia is rejected because it is new”.
The calculated value of chi-square for the significance of the differences for the respondents’ answers in the 8th question was (13.67) which is greater than the tabulated value of chi-square at the degree of freedom (3) and the significant value level (1%) which was (13.28). According to what mentioned in table no.(3-6), this indicates that, there are statistically significant differences at the level (1%) among the answers of the respondents, which support the respondents who have disagree with that “Realia is rejected because it is difficult to be used”.
From above results, we see that the first hypothesis that states “Using realia in teaching English vocabulary has significant efficiency on helping students pass English exams successfully” is fulfilled.s
The questionnaire's result is important tool for the researcher to come out with the real facts that lead to strengthen and remediate the points that can help in the development of learners. The results of the questionnaire statements in table (1) reveal that most of respondents agree and strongly agree on the 12th statements correlates with the first hypothesis "Using realia in teaching English vocabulary has a significant role on students vocabulary level". It is clear from statements of table (2) that most of the respondents agree and strongly agree on the nine statements that correlate with the second hypothesis "realia plays an effective role in teaching English vocabulary". Most of respondents strongly agree with the statement on table (3) "The English teachers have negative attitudes towards using realia in teaching English vocabulary". It's clear for all of the types of analysis which used in this study that all the hypotheses of the study are accepted and give good results.
Conclusion & Recommendations
Summary of results
The result of this study is that most of respondents "the English teachers" are strongly agree with that realia plays an effective role in teaching English vocabulary, also the teachers have positive attitudes towards using realia in teaching English vocabulary and the respondents supported the idea that the use of realia is encountered by difficulties.
The result of the study led to the following conclusions:
1-Secondary school students face difficulties in meaning of English vocabulary and in comprehension.
2-Using realia beside the text book helps alot in developing student's vocabulary.
3-Applying the suitable strategies and techniques inside the classroom has a great role in developing student's vocabulary.
4-Secondary school teachers have positive opinions and attitudes towards
using realia in teaching English vocabulary.
5-The difficulties were not big ones so they can be easily overcome. Therefor the conclusion is that realia has significant effect on improving students vocabulary achievement.
The researcher recommended the following:
1- Teachers should use realia because it is one of the effective technique in teaching English vocabulary.
2- Teachers are advised to adopt realia techniques that suit their student's level.
3-School libraries should be equipped with sources and objects that help the teachers to explain the meaning of new words.
4-There should be additional training courses for teachers in teaching English language in general and in using realia in teaching vocabulary in particular.
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