Assessing English Syntactic Structures Experienced by Secondary Schools Students in Sudan A Case Study of Oumdrman Locality (2013-2014)
Assessing English Syntactic Structures Experienced by Sudanese Female Students atSecondary Schools, (2013-2014
Omer Elsheikh Hago
Department of Languages &TranslationTaibah University, Saudi Arabia&
Mrs. Mai Hassan Ahmed Ali
AbstractThis study is restricted to assess writing performance in the Sudanese female students atsecondary schools at Omdurman locality, Aluola secondary school for girls, in the academic year2013
2014. It aims at investigating the English syntactic structures experienced by SudaneseStudents at secondary schools. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method in thisstudy and a test as a tool for collecting data. The sample of the study was about ninety ninestudents at secondary schools in the academic year (2013-2014). After the analysis of the typesof errors made by the subjects, the study has come out with many findings. The major problem
behind the students‟ errors is the mother tongue interference. The Sudanese learners of English
in general seem not to have an adequate proficiency in understanding the meaning and semanticswhen they express themselves in English syntactic structures. Students need a supplementarymethod in order to express themselves accurately. Finally the researcher has recommendedcertain areas such as: Teachers and students should be aware of the importance of writing inrelation to other skills. Activating English literature lessons and providing a library for extraactivities. Students need enough time to practice writing in the class room because the timeallotted for teaching English is not matched to the content of the syllabus designed. Studentsshould be prepared to use the language for a variety of purposes beyond the classroom.
: assessment, English syntax, errors analysis