An International Multidisciplinary Elwasila
Journal of Science & Technology
JOURNAL AIMS & SCOPE: Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology is an international, multi-disciplinary, refereed (peer-reviewed) journal aiming to promote and enhance research in all fields of knowledge, but priority is for the current programmes. The journal is published by Elwasila College for Science & Technology (in Sudan, and is intended for readers in the scholarly community. Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology provides a platform for debate and dissemination of research findings, new research areas and techniques, conceptual developments, and articles with practical application to any knowledge segment. Besides research papers, the journal welcomes book reviews, conference reports, case studies, research notes and commentaries. Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology aims at:
JOURNAL AIMS & SCOPE: Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology is an international, multi-disciplinary, refereed (peer-reviewed) journal aiming to promote and enhance research in all fields of knowledge, but priority is for the current programmes. The journal is published by Elwasila College for Science & Technology (in Sudan, and is intended for readers in the scholarly community. Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology provides a platform for debate and dissemination of research findings, new research areas and techniques, conceptual developments, and articles with practical application to any knowledge segment. Besides research papers, the journal welcomes book reviews, conference reports, case studies, research notes and commentaries. Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology aims at:
and promoting research, good practice and innovation in all aspects of
knowledge & science to its prime readers including educationalists,
researchers, post-graduate students, policy makers, and enterprises.
international scientific cooperation and understanding, and enhancing
multi-disciplinary research across all learning sectors.
The scope of the journal is an
international and all papers submitted are subject to strict blind peer review
by its Editorial Board and by other anonymous international reviewers. The
journal features conceptual and empirical papers, and editorial policy is to
invite the submission of manuscripts from academics, researchers, post-graduate
students, policy-makers and industry practitioners. The Editorial Board will be
looking particularly for articles about new trends and developments within
different sectors of learning, and the application of new ideas and
developments that are likely to affect learning in the future. Elwasila Journal
of Science & Technology also welcomes submission of manuscripts in
areas that may not be directly learning-related but cover a topic that is of
interest to researchers, educators, policy-makers and practitioners in various
fields of human knowledge.
The material published in Elwasila
Journal of Science & Technology covers all scientific, conceptual
and applied disciplines related to learning, management, planning and national development,
marketing, human resources, information and communication technologies, service
quality, and education. Manuscripts published in Elwasila Journal of Science
& Technology should not have been published previously in any
copyright form (print or electronic/online). The general criteria for the
acceptance of articles are:
to the promotion of scientific knowledge in the greater multi-disciplinary
and relevant literature review.
valid and reliable methodology.
of writing.
quality of English language.
Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology
is published twice a year. Each issue
may cover the following sections: editorial, research papers, research notes,
case studies, book reviews, conference reports, industry viewpoints, and
forthcoming events.
Open Access Policy
Elwasila Journal of Science &
Technology is an Open Access journal, conforming
fully to Elwasila College. Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology is permitting its users to read, download,
copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles,
crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any
other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other
than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only
constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in
this domain, is to give authors control over the integrity of their work and
the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be written as
understandably and concisely as possible with clarity and meaningfulness.
Submission of a manuscript to Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology represents a certification on the part of
the author(s) that it is an original work and has not been copyrighted
elsewhere; manuscripts that are eventually published may not be reproduced in
any other publication (print or electronic), as their copyright has been
transferred to Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology . Submissions are
accepted only in electronic form; authors are requested to submit one copy of
each manuscript by email attachment. All manuscripts should be emailed to the
Editor-in-Chief, and depending on the
nature of the manuscript submissions should also be emailed as follows:
reports should be emailed directly to the Conference Reports Editor.
reviews should be emailed directly to the Book Reviews Editor.
papers and all other types of manuscripts should be emailed directly to the
Managing Editor.
Feedback regarding the submission of
a manuscript (including the reviewers' comments) will be provided to the
author(s) within six weeks of the receipt of the manuscript. Submission of a
manuscript will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work not
being considered for publication elsewhere at the same time. Each author of a
manuscript accepted for publication will receive three complimentary copies of
the issue, and will also have to sign a “transfer of copyright” form. If appropriate,
author(s) can correct first proofs. Manuscripts submitted to Elwasila Journal
of Science & Technology, accepted for publication or not, cannot be
returned to the author(s).
Manuscript Length
Research Papers should be not longer
than 6000 words and not shorter than 4000. Research Notes should be not longer
than 2000 words and not shorter than 1000. Case Studies should be not longer
than 3500 words and not shorter than 2500. Book Reviews should be not longer
than 1500 words and not shorter than 1000. Conference Reports should be not
longer than 2000 words and not shorter than 1000. Industry Viewpoints should be
not longer than 1500 words and not shorter than 500. Forthcoming Events should
be not longer than 500 words. Manuscripts that do not fully conform to the
above word limits (according to the type of the article) will be automatically
rejected and should not be entered into the reviewing process.
Manuscript Style & Preparation
All submissions (research papers,
research notes, case studies, book reviews, conference reports, industry
viewpoints, and forthcoming events) must have a title of no more than 12 words.
Manuscripts should be double-line
spaced, and have at least 2,5 cm (one-inch) margin on all four sides. Pages
should be numbered consecutively.
The use of footnotes within the text
is discouraged – use endnotes instead. Endnotes should be kept to a minimum, be
used to provide additional comments and discussion, and should be numbered
consecutively in the text and typed on a separate page at the end of the
Quotations must be taken accurately
from the original source. Alterations to the quotations must be noted.
Quotation marks (“ ”) are to be used to denote direct quotes. Inverted
commas (‘ ‘) should denote a quote within a quotation. If the quotation is less
than 3 lines, then it should be included in the main text enclosed in quotation
marks. If the quotation is more than 3 lines, then it should be separated
from the main text and indented.
The name(s) of any sponsor(s) of the
research contained in the manuscript, or any other acknowledgements, should
appear at the very end of the manuscript.
Tables, figures and illustrations
are to be included in the text and to be numbered consecutively (in Arabic
numbers). Each table, figure or illustration must have a title.
The text should be organized under
appropriate section headings, which, ideally, should not be more than 500-700
words apart.
The main body of the text should be
written in Times New Roman letters, font size 12.
Section headings should be written
in Arial letters, font size 12, and should be marked as follows: primary
headings should be centred and typed in bold capitals and underlined; secondary
headings should be typed with italic bold capital letters; other headings
should be typed in capital letters. Authors are urged to write as concisely as
possible, but not at the expense of clarity.
Authors submitting papers for
publication should specify which section of the journal they wish their paper
to be considered for: research papers, research notes, case studies, book
reviews, conference reports, industry viewpoints, and forthcoming events.
Author(s) are responsible for
preparing manuscripts which are clearly written in acceptable, scholarly
language, and which contain no errors of spelling, grammar, or punctuation.
Neither the Editorial Board nor the Publisher is responsible for correcting
errors of spelling or grammar.
Where acronyms are used, their full
expression should be given initially.
Authors are asked to ensure that
there are no libellous implications in their work. Elwasila Journal of Science & Technology
has the right to reject any work with libelous implications.
Manuscript Presentation
For submission, manuscripts of
research papers, research notes and case studies should be arranged in the
following order of presentation:
page: title, subtitle (if required),
author's name and surname, affiliation, full postal address, telephone and fax
numbers, and e-mail address. Respective names, affiliations and addresses of
co-author(s) should be clearly indicated. Also, include an abstract of not more
than 150 words and up to 6 keywords that identify article content. Also include
a short biography of the author (about 50 words); in the case of co-author(s),
the same details should also be included. All correspondence will be sent to
the first named author, unless otherwise indicated.
page: title, an abstract of not more
than 150 words and up to 6 keywords that identify article content. Do not include
the author(s) details, affiliation(s), and biographies in this page.
pages: the paper should begin on the
third page and should not subsequently reveal the title or authors. In these
pages should be included the main body of text (including tables, figures and
illustrations); list of references; appendixes; and endnotes (numbered
author(s) should ensure that their names cannot be identified anywhere in the
Referencing Style
In the text, references should be
cited with parentheses using the “author, date” style - for example for single
citations (Hago, 2004), or for multiple citations (Isaac, 1998; Hago, 2003).
Page numbers for specific points or direct quotations must be given (i.e.,
Hago, 2004: 312-313). The Reference list, placed at the end of the manuscript,
must be typed in alphabetical order of authors. The specific format is:
journal papers: Tribe, J.
(2002). The philosophic practitioner. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.
29, No.2, pp.338-357.
books and monographs: Teare,
R. & Ingram, H. (1993). Strategic Management: A Resource-Based Approach
for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. London, Cassell.
chapters in edited books: Sigala,
M. and Christou, E. (2002). Use of Internet for enhancing tourism and
hospitality education: lessons from Europe. In K.W. Wober, A.J. Frew and M.
Hitz (Eds.) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Wien:
papers presented in conferences: Ford,
B. (2004). Adoption of innovations on hospitality. Paper presented at the
22nd EuroCHRIE Conference. Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey: 3-7 November
unpublished works: Hago, O.
(2009). The impact of ecology on translation, Unpublished PhD Thesis. Khartoum,
Sudan: Open University of Sudan.
Internet sources (if you know the author): Johns, D. (2003) The power of branding in tourism.
Ηttp:// Accessed the
12 th of January 2005, at 14:55. (Note: always state clearly the full URL of
your source)
Internet sources (if you do not know the author): Tourism supply and demand.
Ηttp:// Accessed the
30 th of January 2004, at 12:35. (Note: always state clearly the full URL of
your source)
reports: Edelstein, L. G. & Benini, C.
(1994). Meetings and Conventions. Meetings market report (August),